Friday, September 23, 2011
Two HPJ Students Op-Eding In the Northern Review
Phi Beta Delta Talk: Students Present Their South Korea Experiences

Phi Beta Delta (PBD), the honorary for International Scholars held its inaugural forum Thursday night in the Dicke Forum. Five students who had studied abroad in South Korea last summer told an audience made up of their fellow students, faculty, and staff of their adventures abroad.
The students included Megan Piersol, the student president of PBD, a senior majoring in History, International Studies, and Spanish; Jacob Schwab, a senior majoring in International Business; Sam Jones, a junior majoring in Marketing, Scott Bauman, a junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering; and Eric SeGall, a nunior majoring in Criminal Justice. SeGall went to Korea with the Dankook program, which allows students to teach English for their first three weeks, then take classes. The rest went through the Hanyang program. Both of these programs offer students an attractive financial aid package that helps defray many of the expenses they would otherwise have to pay themselves.
All of the students reported having a great experience, telling the audience of the places they visited, the food they ate, and the nice people that they met. In addition to their studies, which ranged from International Business to Korean culture, the students had the chance to travel around the country, even to North Korea. The highlight of the trip for Piersol was the chance to visit the De-Militarized Zone, SeGall visited the 1988 Olympic venue, Jones took Tae Kwando classes, Bauman had Korean food fed to him by the restaurant owner, and Schwab enjoyed his Model United Nations course taught by HPJ professor Nsia-Pepra.
To watch the video, click here.
Study abroad truly opens new world for students and we encourage all students who can fit it into their programs of study to take advantage of these tremendous opportunities. For further information on study abroad in general, you can contact Mitch Lawson, the Director of the ONU Study Abroad Office, Dede Shine, the Director of International Admissions, who handles the Dankook Program, or Mary Drzycimski-Finn in the Dean of Arts and Sciences Office works with the Hanyang Progam.
Social Studies Fall Extravaganza!

The Social Studies majors, sponsored by Studia Socialia Americae (SSA), held their Fall Pizza Extravaganza Wednesday September 21. The students gathered in the conference room of Hill Building to feast on pizza and welcome new students into the program. Lawren Neeley, who is student teaching this semester, shared her initial experiences, and the group also helped our new students understand the steps they would have to take to navigate their way through the major.
SSA holds these meetings each semester to build esprit des corps among its majors and to discuss common issues in the major. The next extravaganza will take place during Spring Semester.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
HPJ's Darrick Oswald Gets Facetime on CSPAN
The Washington Center is a super resource for ONU students. We have had students placed in a number of fabulous internships through the center, including then House Minority Leader John Boehner's office, the Smithsonian Institution, the US Marshals and many others. If you are a current or prospective student, we urge you to take a look at this fantastic program! You can contact Dr. Robert Alexander for more information.
Way to represent ONU and HPJ Darrick!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Football in American History Class Tours Wilson Factory

The HIST 4421 - Football in American History class went to see how the footballs that they watch being thrown and caught on Saturday and Sunday are made. The Wilson Football Factory makes all of the footballs that are used by the National Football League, and a majority of the footballs used in college football.
As always, the students were impressed by the amount of work that goes into making a single football. Stamping the patterns, sewing the pieces together, turning the shell inside out, and inserting the bladder for air all involve hard labor. One of the assembly worker encouraged students to do well in school so they would not have to do such work.
Michael King, a Social Studies major, unearthed an interesting article about the factory that can be found here.
Well done Mike!
HPJ Holds Symposium on the Physical Costs of Heroin Abuse

Ohio Northern University hosted a panel discussion on heroin, focusing on demystification and drug counseling, on Monday, Sept. 12.
The ONU Department of History, Politics and Justice sponsored the event, which consisted of four professionals. Dr. Mike Schafer, director of counseling at the ONU Counseling Center, will mediate the discussion and discuss counseling techniques for those who are affected by heroin. Dr. Mike Milks, ONU professor of pharmacology, will present “Heroin Demystification” and answer questions. Dr. Greg Brigham, chief research officer at the Maryhaven Research Institute in Columbus, Ohio, will discuss his experiences as both researcher and treatment professional. Angy Shaferly, a registered nurse at the Anhedonia clinic in Findlay, Ohio, will talk about treatment and drug replacement therapy. The panel discussion is available in streaming video at this link.
The Department of History, Politics and Justice will host two other panel discussions during the academic year, “Schools and Prevention” and “Drug Courts and Prison Drug Counseling,” and a seminar on legalization.
HPJ Spaghetti Dinner for Freshman Held at Dr. Wilson's House

The start of a new semester means that it is time to welcome our new students into the department and get to know one another better. This gives students a chance to place a personality with their professor's faces and for faculty to learn about the great things our students want to accomplish in their time at ONU. As usual, the food was great and the conversation better.
Welcome aboard all!