Umar A. Sulayman, the ESL (English as a second language) instructor for ONU’s prison management certificate program, spoke in the Dicke Forum on November 3. His talk sponsored by the Phi Beta Delta International Forum, Sulayman’s presentation was entitled “Baghdad and Iraq: Past, Present, and Future.” Sulayman discussed his personal experiences in
Sulayman told the crowd that before the U.S. invasion, life under Sadaam Hussein had become intolerable, but that the successor government was rife with ethnic corruption as the formerly discriminated against Shiaa majority seeks payback. The problem seemingly is not among the people of Iraq, who interact and intermarry with frequency. He told the audience that he was unable to predict the future, but that stability will return only when the Iraqi government treats all its people equitably.
Sulayman holds a Bachelor of Arts in English language and literature and a Master of Arts in English and linguistics from the
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