Phi Beta Delta hosted a recent forum for students who have studied abroad in the past year. Among the speakers were Megan Piersol, Kelly Morman, Vicky Sheppard, and Jacob Jeffire. Piersol studied in Scotland, Morman in Spain, Sheppard in South Korea, and Jeffire in Germany. They regaled the assembled students and faculty with the stories of their adventures, which included trips to cathedrals, museums, and impromptu road trips across Europe. Not all of their adventures were educational in nature, of course, but they uniformly reported learning a great deal, both about their host-countries and about themselves. Such is the advantage of study abroad.
All students who are able should think long and hard about taking such a trip. This will add to the value of your degree while enriching your life. For more information, students should talk to Mitch Lawson in Lehr 122, or with Dr. Alexander, our campus representative for the Washington Center.
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