On Saturday, October 3, HPJ and Modern Languages hosted the ONU Model United Nations Simulation for area igh chool students. Six schools, that included Bowling Green, Clay, Lima Senior, Lorraine Arts Academy, Tipp City, and William Henry Harrison sent nearly 90 students who represented 30 nations.
The top team award went to Bowling Green High School's group acting as Venezuela. This is the fourth year in a row that one of BG's teams have taken the top award. Other Outstanding Performances were turned in by William Henry Harrison (United States), Bowling Green (Japan), Clay (United Kingdom), and Tipp City (Russian Federation).
After the awards ceremony, many of the students took the opportunity to tour the campus led by guides from the Admission's Office. This was an outstanding group of students, and we hope to see some of them on campus in the years to come.
This year's competition marked the first year that Professor Kofi Nsia-Pepra assumed leadership of the Model UN at ONU, replacing Professor Andy Ludanyi who retired last year after 40 years at the university and nearly as many as the head of the MON program.
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