Professor Crawford (pictured here with University of Nebraska- Lincoln Professor Ben Rader, his dissertation adviser) attended the Carroll Pauley Symposium at the UNL (go Huskers!) on October 22 and 23. The title of the symposium was "The Great Common Denominator:" Sports in History, History in Sports, and featured presentations by several prominent Historians of Sport.
The Conference opened with an address "Its Not a Real Job: The Rewards and Challenges of being a Sports Reporter" by ESPN reporter Jeremy Schaap, who spoke of the positive benefits of sport. He was followed the next morning by Michael Oriard, a former Notre Dame and NFL player and the author of several books on football history, including King Football, who discussed the roll of sports reporters on the rise of college football. His talk was followed by Amy Bass, who spoke about the legacy of Jesse Owens, Susan Brownell who talked about the meaning of the recent Olympic Games to China, and Susan Cahn who spoke about sports and feminism. The conference wrapped up Friday night with Ben Rader's closing keynote address on what he termed "A Recent Revolution in American Sports."
In addition to the conference, there was a dinner and open house honoring Professor Benjamin Rader for his decades of service at UNL, which included exemplary teaching and several books on Sport and Cultural History. Crawford, who was one of Rader's advisees, was asked to give a brief talk about his experiences studying with Rader.

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