Thursday, November 5, 2009

Saudi Day at ONU

Faculty, staff and students had the opportunity to attend “Saudi Day at ONU” on November 4 to recognize the partnership between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Ohio Northern and celebrate the successful beginning of the ONU Prison Management Certificate (PMC) Program. The event, which featured multimedia presentations and information on Saudi Arabia, as well as delicious Saudi food, was sponsored by students of the PMC program, in conjunction with ONU students from Saudi Arabia.

In the evening, a formal ceremony and dinner was held to celebrate the partnership. Members of the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission and representatives of the Saudi Arabian Ministry of the Interior were on hand to share dinner and mutual congratulations with ONU officials for a successful beginning to the program.

Through the PMC Program, 30 Saudi prison-management professionals, each with bachelor’s degrees and additional professional training, are studying the English language and criminal justice in Ohio Northern’s department of history, politics and justice. Specifically, these professionals are studying corrections and prison management to learn about and experience “best practices” in the United States and prepare them to provide leadership when they return to Saudi Arabia. While at ONU, the students will complete formal coursework as well as practical experience, weekend seminars and many on-site visits. The two-year program will conclude with an internship with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitations and Corrections. “The Ohio Department of Rehabilitations and Corrections cooperation with the PMC program is integral to the program’s success,” said Dr. Ellen Wilson, “as well as the many opportunities our cooperation provides for our undergraduates and faculty.”

The informational displays and snacks were well attended by students faculty and staff. Congratulations to all those who made this day a valuable learning experience and a good time!

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