A delegation of ONU students and faculty traveled to Tiffin University on March 19 and 20 for a conference sponsored by the Northwest Ohio International Affairs Consortium entitled "Current Issues in American Foreign Policy and National Security."
The Consortium was developed in 2008-2009 under the leadership of Professor Loughlin to provide an alternative to the defunct Cincinnati Council on Foreign Affairs. Each year NOIAC hosts a symposium of member schools which include ONU, Tiffin, Heidelberg University, the University of Findlay, Bluffton University, and Defiance College. Although not a member of the Consortium, Baldwin Wallace University also sent a delegation of students who presented papers.
During the symposium, several HPJ faculty members and students presented papers or commented on them. Professor Loughlin presented a paper titled “Is the United States Addicted to War?" Professor Nsia-Pepra presented his paper titled "American National Security Policies and Interests in Africa." Professor Smith presented "The Changing Face of Iran. Ben Smith, who traveled to Cuba as a student, presented his paper "America's Relations with Cuba and US National Security. Alex Habbouche and Professor Crawford contributed to the discussions that followed paper presentations.
The symposium was an interesting one and papers approached the topic from a number of divergent perspectives, which led to wide ranging discussions and even a few arguments. Our students did a fine job in making this symposium a success and we hope to have more at next year's symposium.
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