Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Model UN Takes to the Field

The Ohio Northern Model United Nations team attended the National Model United Nations Conference, New York held at the Marriot Marquis Hotel and the United Nations General Assembly from April 19-24, 2011. Over 400 universities and 5,000 students worldwide participated in the simulation.

The team, representing Kyrgyzstan participated in eight committees that include General Assembly Plenary, three General Assembly committees, Human Rights Council, World Intellectual Property Organization and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review. The team was actively involved in committee sessions, debating, negotiating, and coordinating with fellow delegates with the view to making recommendations to resolve global problems. The team made concrete suggestions, drafted and passed resolutions with other delegates to deal with sensitive global issues.

The members of the team in attendance were Megan Piersol -head delegate, Stacy McClelland, Gwen Carver, Victoria Army, Daniella Chambers, Yuki Tada, Andrew Crozier, John Curiel, Brendon Schaefer, and Rochelle Reamy with Professor Kofi Nsia-Pepra as the student advisor.

The team also called on the Kyrgyzstan Ambassador to the United Nations and his staff officers and had a fruitful interaction and discussion with them on mentioned global issues. The Model UN simulation equips global future leaders with the skills of diplomacy, negotiation, coordination, accommodation in the spirit of multilateralism to deal with the global challenges we face as a community of nations today. Dr. Nsia-Pepra was impressed with the eagerness and enthusiasm of the team, especially the new members, in learning to solve global problems in an amenable but very tasking atmosphere. He requests faculty to encourage students from all departments to join the Model UN since the experiences gained are essential and useful in all fields of study. Dr. Nsia-Pepra expressed his heartfelt thanks to his colleagues in the department of History, Politics and Justice for their worthy support, financial and otherwise, to the team.

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