Thursday, March 29, 2012

Graduate Parlays Washington Center Internship into Career with the U.S. Marshalls

Darrick Oswald, who graduated last year with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice, reported to Dr. Alexander that he has accepted a position with the U.S. Marshal Service. Darrick maintained a busy schedule of external experiences while at ONU. In addition to his internship with the Marshals through the Washington Center that led to his current position, Darrick also spent a semester at the University of Queensland in Brisbane Australia.

Darrick emailed Dr. Alexander permission to use his good news in this blog, and told Dr. A that "I want to make it apparent that it was the teaching and leadership examples I received as a student that helped contribute to my work ethic and subsequent job offer. I cannot help but think about how things would be different if I had done a quickie internship last spring and graduated on time, but because I waited and did the TWC program, I was able to make the connections that led to a job offer upon graduation."

Well done Darrick! It is always great news when our graduates do well after their time here. We love hearing these stories and wish you great success in your new career!

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