Friday, October 5, 2012

Presidential Debate Watch Party

A crowd of nearly thirty ONU students and faculty from across the campus gathered in Hill Memorial to watch the first presidential debate between President Barack Obama and challenger former governor Mitt Romney.  Students enjoyed pizza and politics while watching the debate.  During the debate, students tweeted their thoughts on how things were going.  Once again, WLIO covered the event and Dr. Alexander, along with students Andrew Crozier and Rob Roll were asked their opinions on the show.  Dr. Alexander made the point that this will be the first election for many of the students, while Crozier and Roll focused on the debates as chances for the candidates to speak directly to a massive audience, estimated at 67 million people.  After the debate, students had a chance to discuss how they thought it went and a lively discussion ensued.  Thanks to ONU Communication and Marketing Associate Director of Online Content Brian Paris who was present to facilitate student and faculty tweeting, and who took the photo above.  You can read the tweets on the ONU homepage.

HPJ will be sponsoring watch parties for the next debates in the series as well.  Hope to see you there!

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