Friday, November 16, 2012

Professor Nsia-Pepra Presents Paper

Dr. Nsia-Pepra recently presented a paper at the International Studies Association Midwest Conference in St. Louis, MO.  Below is the detail of his paper:

Legal Analysis of ECOMOG’s Legitimacy to Forcefully Intervene in Ivory Coast to Restore Democracy”
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)’ threat to forcefully intervene to restore democracy in Ivory Coast if incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo persistently refused to cede power to popularly elected Alassane Dramane Ouattara was criticized by critics as illegitimate. Critics questioned ECOWAS’ legitimacy to use force in restoring democracy in member countries especially in the absence of such security provisions in ECOWAS’ founding Treaty. This paper presents a critical legal analysis of ECOWAS’ legitimacy to forcefully intervene and restore democracy in Ivory Coast. The  paper argues  that  despite  the absence  of  a formal legal  security instrument,  ECOWAS’  action would be legitimate due to the following:  its globally supported historic  precedence in Sierra Leone and Liberia,   collective self-defense, emerging  norm of  “ Responsibility to Protect” and  humanitarian intervention,    state practice of democratic intervention  and global  condemnation of Gbagbo’s recalcitrance  and support for the  popularly  elected  Ouattara.

Well done Dr. Nsia-Pepra!

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