Friday, September 21, 2012

HPJ Students Attend the Democratic National Convention

Three HPJ students, Adam Downing, Daniella Chambers and James Lee were able to attend the Democratic National Convention through the Washington Center.  Downing was interviewed for WEWS-CLE, the ABC outlet in Cleveland about his scramble to get tickets for President Obama's acceptance speech.  Ultimately, due to the DNC changing the venue from Bank of America Stadium to the Convention Hall, Downing was not able to see the even.  Lee however was able to see the event live, and Chambers initially went to the convention as a delegate.  She is now working as an intern for Obama For America.

The student's experience at the convention, wherever they watched the speech, was a valuable one and the sort of thing we love to see our students doing.  Another eight students attended the Republican National Convention, and both groups spent a preparatory week attending presentations from political professionals.

We have had several students this semester who have been interviewed by the local, national, and international press on their experiences at the conventions or on the election and they have all done a bang-up job!  Well done all!

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