Friday, September 21, 2012

HPJ Students in the International Media

 Interest in our presidential election is high around the world and this interest brought a Japanese film crew and reporters from nippon hoso kyiokai (NHK or Japan Broadcasting System) to campus this week.  They came to Hill Building to interview Dr. Alexander and several of our HPJ students.  The Japanese reporters interviewdd Dr. Alexander along with students Lisa Bradley, Franklin Howard, John Willamowski, and John Curiel, who had previously attended the Republican National Convention.  Dr. Alexander told WLIO, who was here interviewing the interviewers and students that our students reflect the views of young people around the nation and represnt the youth vote that will be important in Ohio.  Bradley and Howard also were interviewed by WLIO telling the reporter that since our election has global implications, the attention is appropriate.  The reporters said that interest about our election is high in Japan since the U.S. and Japan are strong allies and trading partners.  When their video is online, we will try to link to that as well.

As always, our students acquited themselves very well and these are the sorts of experiences that we aim our studetns toward.

Well done all!

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